Migrate Clouddriver Kubernetes Accounts to the Armory Scale Agent

Learn how to dynamically migrate accounts from Clouddriver to the Armory Scale Agent for Spinnaker and Kubernetes.

Migration overview

The Dynamic Accounts REST API provides endpoints to create, delete, get, migrate, and update Kubernetes accounts. You can’t access these endpoints through Gate. You should have kubectl access to your Spinnaker cluster and port-forward to be able to call the API.

kubectl port-forward deployment/spin-clouddriver 7002:7002 -n spinnaker

You can then access endpoints via http://localhost:7002.

Before you begin

Manual migration

Manually migrating Clouddriver accounts is a two-step process:

  1. Migrate accounts using POST<Account[]> /armory/accounts

    This fetches the specified accounts from a Clouddriver credential source and adds them to the Scale Agent (clouddriver.kubesvc_accounts) with an INACTIVE state.

    Request data array format:

    [ { "name": "<account-name>", "zoneId": "<zone-id>", "kubeconfigFile": "<encrypted-kubeconfig>" } ]
    • name: (Required) the account’s name
    • zoneId: (Optional) the zoneId for the targeted Agent service, which is by default deploymentName_namespace. This can optionally be supplied during the activation step.
    • kubeconfigFile: (Optional) the secret token for the kubeconfig path or file. This should be in [encrypted secret format](https://spinnaker.io/docs/reference/halyard/secrets/](https://spinnaker.io/docs/reference/halyard/secrets/); for example, encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig!k:config!ns:spinnaker. kubeconfigFile is optional only if the native account’s kubeconfig works for the targeted Agent service; otherwise you need to supply this parameter with a working value.


    curl --request POST \ --url http://clouddriver:7002/armory/accounts \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '[ { "name": "account-01" }, { "name": "account-02", "zoneId": "agent-1_namespace1", "kubeconfigFile": "encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig!k:config!ns:spinnaker" } ]'


    • 202 Accepted: [] empty array
    • 409 Conflict: [] array containing already migrated accounts (still processes valid ones)
    • 400 Bad Request: the account array is empty
    • 5501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled
  2. Activate the migrated accounts using PATCH <Account[]> /armory/accounts

    This activates the specified accounts in the Scale Agent (changed state to ACTIVE in clouddriver.kubesvc_accounts) and sends the account data to the associated Scale Agent service. Each account must meet the following criteria:

    • Have a valid JSON object in the definition column of the clouddriver.kubesvc_accounts table
    • Be in an INACTIVE or FAILED state
    • Have an existing connection to a Scale Agent service running in a cluster

    Request data array format:

    [ { "name": "<account-name>", "state": "<INACTIVE | FAILED>", "zoneId": "<zone-id>", "kubeconfigFile": "<encrypted-kubeconfig>" } ]
    • name: (Required) the account’s name

    • state: (Required) the account state; valid values are INACTIVE or FAILED.

    • zoneId: (Optional) the zoneId for the targeted Agent service, which is by default deploymentName_namespace. This is not needed if you supplied this value in the previous step.

      If you do not include a zoneId, Clouddriver sends the request to every other Clouddriver instance that has a connected Scale Agent service. Each Clouddriver instance subsequently sends the request to all of its connected Agents in an attempt to find one that can process the request. This is resource intensive, so be sure to include a zoneId.

    • kubeconfigFile: (Optional) the secret token for the kubeconfig path or file. This should be in [encrypted secret format](https://spinnaker.io/docs/reference/halyard/secrets/](https://spinnaker.io/docs/reference/halyard/secrets/); for example, encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig!k:config!ns:spinnaker.

      kubeconfigFile is optional only if you supplied this value in the previous step or the native account’s kubeconfig works for the targeted Agent service.


    curl --request PATCH \ --url http://localhost:7002/armory/accounts \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '[ { "name": "account-01", "state": "ACTIVE" }, { "name": "account-02", "state": "ACTIVE", "zoneId": "agent-1_namespace1", "kubeconfigFile": "encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig!k:config!ns:spinnaker" } ]'


    • 202 Accepted
    • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

    The account state changes to FAILED if the Scale Agent plugin is not able to connect to the target Scale Agent service. The plugin does not inform you of the operation results. Check for an ACTIVE account state in the clouddriver.kubesvc_accounts table by querying the database directly or by calling /agents/kubernetes/accounts/{accountName}.

Automatic migration

This feature requires you to enable the Clouddriver Account Management feature in Spinnaker.

Scan for new accounts

The Scale Agent can automatically migrate accounts and set them to ACTIVE when you enable the automatic scanning mechanism in the plugin configuration.

Add the following to your plugin configuration:

kubesvc: dynamicAccounts: enabled: true scanBatchSize: <int> scanFrequencySeconds: <int> namePatterns: ['^account1.*','^.*account2.*']

This feature is enabled when namePatterns has at least one value. The Scale Agent uses the account name pattern to identify accounts for migration. Autoscanning minimizes the manual effort and eliminates the add and migrate steps when the namePatterns flag is set to match a specified account naming pattern.

Intercept Clouddriver account creation request

When you enable this option, the Scale Agent plugin intercepts any new account creation request that is sent to Clouddriver’s credentials endpoint (POST <GATE_URL>/credentials). The Scale Agent plugin automatically migrates the new account and sets the account state to ACTIVE.

Add the following to your plugin configuration:

kubesvc: dynamicAccounts: interceptor: enabled: true

What’s next

  1. Manage Kubernetes Accounts in the Armory Scale Agent}

Last modified March 3, 2023: (2d069084)