Use Hugo Parameters

Add a parameter to Hugo’s config.toml and then use it in Markdown pages.

You can add a new global parameter to config.toml in the [params] section.

You use the Hugo param shortcode to display the value of the parameter.

The latest Armory version is {{< param armory-version >}}.

Renders as:

The latest Armory version is 2.31.x.

You can use the param shortcode inside codeblock as well.

latestSpinnaker: {{< param armory-version >}} versions: - version: {{< param armory-version >}} alias: OSS Release <ossVersion> # The corresponding OSS version can be found in the Release Notes changelog: <Link to Armory Release Notes for this version> lastUpdate: "1568853000000"

Renders as:

latestSpinnaker: 2.31.x versions: - version: 2.31.x alias: OSS Release <ossVersion> # The corresponding OSS version can be found in the Release Notes changelog: <Link to Armory Release Notes for this version> lastUpdate: "1568853000000"

Last modified August 5, 2022: (9b879f0f)