v2.20.1 Armory Continuous Deployment Release (Spinnaker v1.20.6)

Release notes for Armory Continuous Deployment v2.20.1

2020/06/26 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker, rollback to a previous working version and please report issues to http://go.armory.io/support.

Required Halyard version

Armory 2.20.1 requires Armory-extended Halyard 1.9.4 or later.

Breaking changes

Kubernetes deployment namespace

Upgrading to 2.20x or later introduces a breaking change in the Kubernetes provider for Spinnaker. Spinnaker now correctly interprets the namespace declared in your kubeconfig file and uses that namespace. Previously, Spinnaker deployed to the default namespace called default because of an error in how Spinnaker interpreted the namespace in the Kubernetes context.


Armory recommends using one of the following methods, which involve explicitly setting the namespace:

  • In your deployment manifests, declare the namespace you want to deploy to. Set to default if you want to maintain the previous behavior:

    apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: generateName: <someName> # Set namespace to default if you want to maintain the previous behavior. namespace: <targetNamespace>
  • In your kubeconfig, declare the namespace you want to deploy to. Set to default if you want to maintain the previous behavior:

    contexts: - context: cluster: <someCluster> # Set namespace to default if you want to maintain the previous behavior. namespace: <targetNamespace>

For more information, see the following links:

Introduced in: Armory 2.20

Spinnaker metrics

Metrics data, specifically the metric names, for Spinnaker changed. These changes are not backwards compatible and may result in broken third-party dashboards, such as Grafana dashboards.


  • Observability Plugin: Armory is working on updates to the Observability Plugin to remedy this issue. The plugin currently supports New Relic & Prometheus. Note that this resolution requires you to make updates to use the new metric names.

    For information about how to configure the Observability Plugin, see Monitoring Spinnaker with Prometheus.

    For information about how to install a plugin, see Spinnaker’s Plugin Users Guide.

  • Update existing dashboards: Change your dashboards and alerts to use the new metric names.

Although both workarounds involve updating your dashboards to use the new metric names, Armory recommends switching to the Observability plugin. Due to changes the Spinnaker project is making, the Observability plugin provides a long-term solution.

Affected versions: Armory 2.20.x or later (OSS 1.20.x)

HTTP sessions for Gate

Armory 2.19.x and higher include an upgrade to the Spring Boot dependency. This requires you to flush all the Gate sessions for your Spinnaker deployment. For more information, see Flushing Gate Sessions.

Scheduled removal of Kubernetes V1 provider

The Kubernetes V1 provider will be removed in Spinnaker 1.21 (Armory 2.21). Please see the RFC for more details.

Breaking change: Kubernetes accounts with an unspecified providerVersion will now default to V2. Update your Halconfig to specify providerVersion: v1 for any Kubernetes accounts you are currently using with the V1 provider.

Known Issues

Dynamic Accounts for Kubernetes

Fixed in: 2.21

There is an issue with Dynamic Accounts for Kubernetes where the following issues occur:

  • Agents get removed but still run on schedule.
  • Force cache refresh times out.
  • If you have the clean up agent setup, your data randomly disappears and reappears.

These issues do not occur immediately, and you may even see modified accounts appear.

Vault secrets

If you use Vault secrets, you should not use this version and instead update to v2.20.3.

Upgrading from 2.18.x with MySQL used for Front50 renames the plugin_artifacts table

As a part of the upgrade from 2.18.x to 2.19.x, the table plugin_artifacts gets renamed to plugin_info. Downgrades from 2.19.x to 2.18.x do not revert the table name. The table remains named plugin_info, preventing access to the table.

You will see errors similar to the following:

2020-06-22 21:52:27.001 INFO 1 --- [ main] .s.f.m.p.DefaultPluginArtifactRepository : Warming Cache 2020-06-22 21:52:27.723 ERROR 1 --- [ main] .s.f.m.p.DefaultPluginArtifactRepository : Unable to warm cache: {} org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: jOOQ; bad SQL grammar [select max(last_modified_at) as `last_modified_at` from plugin_artifacts]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'front50_kinnon.plugin_artifacts' doesn't exist at org.jooq_3.12.3.MYSQL.debug(Unknown Source) ~[na:na] at org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLExceptionSubclassTranslator.doTranslate(SQLExceptionSubclassTranslator.java:93) ~[spring-jdbc-5.1.14.RELEASE.jar:5.1.14.RELEASE]

This issue only occurs if you upgrade to 2.19.x and then downgrade.


You can resolve this issue by rolling back changes to the MySQL database. For more information, see MySQL Table Name Change Error When Rolling Back Spinnaker (Undo Renamed Values).

Pipelines as code

  • Webhook secret validation is broken in this version. Please skip this version if you use this feature.
  • Slack notification when pipelines are updated is broken. Please skip this version if you use this feature.

Security update

We continue to make Spinnaker’s security a top priority. Although several CVEs are resolved, the following still exist:


  • CVE-2020-13790

This is an embedded dependency in OpenJDK11. A version of OpenJDK11 that addresses this CVE has only recently been released, and will be fixed in the next release. The risk to services users is low: the CVE deals with processing jpeg images in the Java Runtime Environment, a task our services do not utilize.

The following CVEs have been recently identified and will be addressed in the next released:

  • CVE-2020-14155


The following three CVEs still exist in Clouddriver:

  • CVE-2020-1747
  • CVE-2017-18342
  • CVE-2020-13757
  • CVE-2016-10745

All of them are embedded dependencies in the Google Cloud SDK. A version of the Google Cloud SDK addressing these CVEs has not been released. The risk to Clouddriver users is low: all three CVEs deal with untrusted input, which Clouddriver does not provide to the Google Cloud SDK. Additionally, users deploying to other cloud providers are not at risk for this vulernability.

The following CVEs also exist for the service:

  • CVE-2020-7014 - deals with an Elasticsearch exploit. Clouddriver only makes use of entity tags and does not allow for token generation or authentication.

Highlighted Updates


See the highlights from the 2.20.0 release.

Fixed known issues

Spinnaker Community Contributions

There have also been numerous enhancements, fixes and features across all of Spinnaker’s other services. See their changes here:
Spinnaker v1.20.6.

Detailed Updates

Bill of Materials

Here’s the bom for this version.

version: 2.20.1
timestamp: "2020-06-26 11:36:16"
        commit: 172c32ee
        version: 2.20.4
        commit: 583083ff
        version: 2.20.4
        commit: f710446c
        version: 2.20.3
        commit: e118a5ac
        version: 2.20.4
        commit: 8d4db29b
        version: 2.20.3
        commit: 4ab036ea
        version: 2.20.5
        commit: cfd0be04
        version: 2.20.3
        commit: 44ae1b05
        version: 2.20.7
        commit: 9d6743d9
        version: 2.20.3
        version: 2.20.0
        version: 2.20.0
        commit: 3d2cf0a1
        version: 2.20.1
        commit: 9e974c48
        version: 2.20.3
        commit: 5b00d7a6
        version: 2.20.3
        version: 2:2.8.4-2
    dockerRegistry: docker.io/armory


Armory Kayenta - 2.20.2…2.20.3

  • fix(release): set nebula release version (#92) (#93)

Armory Rosco - 2.20.2…2.20.3

  • fix(release): set nebula release version (#71) (#72)

Dinghy™ - 2.20.1…2.20.3

  • Fix for app update on every change (#231) (#232)

Armory Fiat - 2.20.2…2.20.3

  • fix(release): set nebula release version (#73) (#74)

Armory Igor - 2.20.3…2.20.7

  • fix(plugins): manual port of spinnaker/igor#715 for 2.20.x (#82)
  • chore(deps): change armory-commons import to -all (#86) (#88)

Terraformer™ - 2.20.3…2.20.3

Armory Gate - 2.20.2…2.20.3

Armory Echo - 2.20.1…2.20.4

  • chore(build): update nebula plugin to fix release task (#173) (#175)
  • chore(deps): change armory-commons import to -all (#176) (#178)

Armory Front50 - 2.20.3…2.20.5

Armory Orca - 2.20.1…2.20.1

Armory Clouddriver - 2.20.1…2.20.4

Armory Deck - 2.20.3…2.20.4

  • chore(deps): update to latest 1.20.x release (#618)

Last modified March 3, 2023: (22c29bf4)